Project description
The aim of the project is to decouple programmable accelerator modules (FPGA) for special calculations from the close connection to server processors of high-performance computers and instead connect them dynamically via the network. Compared to directly coupled accelerators, these new network-attached accelerators (NAA) promise more flexibility and at the same time lower energy consumption through better utilization. The communication with the FPGA clusters should take place asynchronously, which is a challenge in connection with a heterogeneous hardware environment in the HPC. The use of the NAA also requires an adjustment of the middleware and the runtime environments as well as the resource management system for energy monitoring in data centers.
The joint project ‘NAAICE’ between the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Potsdam, the Fraunhofer HHI, the Zuse Institute Berlin, the GFZ Potsdam and PERFACCT GmbH started on September 12th, 2022.
This project (grant no: 16ME0622K) is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of
Education and Research.